Smooth Out Your Smile
Tooth recontouring is a cosmetic procedure designed to alter the looks and, as the name suggests, contour of your smile. This procedure involves the careful sculpting of the enamel of your teeth in order to reduce the visibility of chips or overlaps in your smile.
This treatment can also be used the to make small changes to the length, width and thickness of teeth as well, reducing the sharpness of 'vampire' canine teeth and helping your teeth to feel and look smooth in your mouth.
Depending on the smile, recontouring can also have some benefits to oral health too, removing tight overlaps between teeth that make them more difficult to clean means that oral hygiene may become easier.
The Tooth Recontouring Process
The tooth recontouring treatment process is relatively non-invasive and, generally speaking, doesn't require any anesthetics. This is because the treatment involves the shaving or sanding off of thin layers of enamel rather than interacting with soft tissues or the nerves of your teeth.
Tooth recontouring treatments usually take between one and three appointments, depending on how many changes need to be made to your smile.

Tooth recontouring can help address small overlaps in your smile, making it easier for your oral hygiene routine to keep your smile clean while smoothing over chips in your teeth.